About GeoArt

Modeling of maps on wood, Tahiti, Polynesia.

Geographer by training and passionate about cartography, Patrick Gallier offers tools that help to understand the world around us. Maps have an informative, aesthetic and artistic aspect. It is naturally that he plans to create topographic maps in wood, in 3 dimensions.

A valley, a cliff, a ridge line… the beauty of these landscapes, sometimes shaped by millions of years, is what he tries to humbly represent with his maps.

In early 2021, after a long period of testing, learning and calibrating manufacturing processes, he was ready to start GeoArt and share his maps.

About Patrick Gallier

Patrick Gallier is Franco-Brazilian. Growing up in Rio de Janeiro, he learned to appreciate his city surrounded by the ocean and by mountains like the famous Sugar Loaf. At 19, he left his hometown for a 7-year stay in Tahiti, then ventured to France, to Brest.

Following a Bachelor\'s degree in Geography and a Master\'s degree in Coastal Environment Management, obtained in Brest, Patrick moved to French Guiana, where he worked as a Research Officer and then Assistant Curator in Nature Reserves. Three years of exploring the trails in the Amazon forest and the mangroves by canoe: a great daily slap in the face of the diversity and richness of the fauna and flora!

In 2020, Patrick is back in Polynesia, his first love, where he embarks on a new adventure: GeoArt.